Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Immunization Requirements

Immunizations Required for Child Care enrollment:

DTP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis/whopping cough), 4 shots total, given at age 2 months, age 4 months, age 6 months, and age 15-18 months

Polio, 3 shots given at age 2 months, age 4 months, and age 6-18 months

MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), 1 shot total, given at age 12-15 months

Hib (Haemophilus influenza type b), 4 shots total, given at age 2 months, age 4 months, age 6 months, and age 12-15 months

Varicella (chickenpox), 1 shot total, given at age 12-18 months

PCV (pneumococcal vaccine), 4 shots total, given at age 2 months, age 4 months, age 6 months, and age 12-15 months
Immunizations Required for Grades K-12

All immunizations required for enrollment in child care, except Hib and PCV

Hep B (hepatitis B), 3 shots total, given at birth, 1-2 months after first hep B, and age 6-18 months. If child did not have these 3 shots previously, then he will be required to have them before enrollment in grade K-12.

Hep A (hepatitis A), 2 shots total, given at age 12-23 months. Doses are given 6-18 months apart. MCV4 (meningococcal conjugate), 1 shot total, given at age 11-12 years.

Influenza (flu), shot given each fall, beginning at age 6-23 months. Children receiving the influenza immunization for the first time need 2 shots at least 4 weeks apart.
For more information on immunizations, please visit the following websites:
Minnesota Department of Health: Immunization
This website has information on immunizations in Minnesota, including basic information on immunizations and a list of immunizations required for schools.
Minnesota’s school immunization law: Are you kids ready for school?
This handout has includes a chart that explains what immunizations are needed to children of different ages.


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