Sunday, August 3, 2014


UW News and Information
CIRGE has analyzed the history, structure, and its implication on doctoral education in the USA. Being the country that produces the largest number of PhDs in the world,  CIRGE has examined in depth the structure and outcomes of Doctorate Education.

  • Flores, E. & Nerad M. (2012). Peer in Doctoral Education: Unrecognized Learning partners. New Directions for Higher Education. No 157, Spring 201, pp.73- 83.  Download: Peers in Doctoral Education
  • Nerad, M. 2009.  Graduate Education and its Changes in the U.S. In Daigakuin Kyoiku no Genjo Kadai [Graduate Education, and Future], pp. 291-305. Hiroshima: Research Institute for Higher Education, Hiroshima University, Japan.  Download: Graduate Education and its Changes in the U.S.
  • Nerad, M. (2008). Doctoral Education in the United States of America. In M. Nerad  Toward a Global Phd?: Forces and Forms in Doctoral Education Worldwide, University of Washington Press, Seattle,  pp.2078-300.  Download: Doctoral Education in the United States
  • Nerad, M. (2007). Doctoral Education in the USA. In S. Powell and H. Green Eds., The Doctorate Worldwide, Berkshire, England: Open University Press.  Download: Doctoral Education in the USA
  • Wulff, D. & Nerad M. 2006. Using an Alignment Model as a Framework in the Assessment of Doctoral Programs. In P. L. Maki &   N. Borkowski Eds., Assessing Learning at the Doctoral Level, pp. 83- 108. Sterling, Virginia: Stylus.  Download: Using alignment model…
  • Nerad, M. (2004). Promovieren in den USA. (The US PhD) Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst [DAAD] Hersg., Die Internationale Hochschule, Band 3:  Bielefeld, Germany. Download: Promovieren in the USA (English Version)
  • Nerad, M. & Cerny, J. (1999). Widening the Circle: Another Look at Women Graduate Students, The Council of Graduate Schools Communicator, vol. XXXII, no. 6, pp. 1-7. Washington, D.C. Download: Widening the Circle
  • Nerad, M., June, R., & Miller, D. (1997). The Cyclical Problems of Graduate Education: Institutional Responses in the 1990s, In M. Nerad, R. June, & D. Miller, Graduate Education in the United States, pp. vii-xiv, New York: Garland Press. Download: The Cyclical Problems of Graduate Education
  • Nerad, M. (1995). University of California, Berkeley: Beyond Traditional Modes of Mentoring, in A Conversation about Mentoring: Trends and Models, The Council of Graduate Schools, Washington. D.C.
  • Nerad, M. (1992). Using Time, Money, and Human Resources Effectively and Efficiently in the Case of Women Graduate Students. Paper prepared for the conference proceedings of Science and Engineering Programs: On Target for Women? Sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences/ National Research Council/ Office of Scientific and Engineering Personnel. Download: Using Time…
  • Nerad, M. & Stewart, C.L. (1991). Assessing Doctoral Student Experience: Gender and Departmental Culture, Higher Education Abstracts, Graduate School, winter 1991, Claremont.
  • Nerad, M. (1991). Doctoral Education at the University of California and Factors Affecting Time-to-Degree.  In response to the California State Senate (SRC 66). Report to the Office of the President. Oakland, CA.
  • Nerad, M. (1990). Doctoral Education at the University of California and Issues of Time-to-Degree: Their Impact on Minorities and Women. Part I: Factors Affecting Completion of Doctoral Degrees at the University of California. A Report prepared in Response to Senate Concurrent Resolution 66 (Hart, 1989), Oakland: University of California, Office of the President.


  1. Doctor in Phylosophy is the highest level of college. US doctoral studies are completed in a period of about five years (although it varies in each student due to time spent in your research). In the case of a master related to the desired doctoral study have previously obtained, the time for obtaining PhD may be reduced to three years.
    PhD Dissertation Help
